Bad Breath is common among denture wearers
Bad Breath, especially “Denture Breath”, is typical among denture wearers. This actually results from a simple fact. Accordingly, the poor maintenance put by most denture wearers on their dentures or their gums and tongue.
We recommend using only an Ulta Low Abrasive Gum Implant and Denture toothpaste Accepted by the American Dental Association with a soft or extra-soft toothbrush to gently clean the denture and entire mouth at least once per day. This is crucial to remove pathogen infested biofilm from the denture and gums.
We also recommend using only a soak cleanser that not only disinfects but kills types of germs and bacteria. Namely, Candida, Strep, Staph, Actinomycosis, E. coli. These are the main causes of Pneumonia, Thrush, Digestive and Respiratory Disorders as well as Heart Disease.
Moreover, in an article by Medgadget, a new meter has emerged that measures if someone has bad breath. In an interview with the director of the business development of the device, Carla Brenner defined it. Specifically, “Breathometer is a company that has a breath analysis platform in which our third product will actually be in the healthcare market”. She also added, “The device we are working on is used for detecting oral health and hydration levels within your mouth.” She stated that bad breath is “It actually looks at the volatile sulfur compounds in your mouth that are a byproduct of the bad bacteria that you do not want in your mouth.”