I have both upper and lower dentures, but the uppers, which are newer, are very white compared to the bottoms. This will cost me a lot (like $500) to replace them, but I want them to match. Can I whiten my dentures?
Answer: It is not possible to whiten dentures like natural teeth because dentures are made of acrylic. To minimize staining, properly clean your dentures daily to remove food and plaque bacteria.
Brushing with a denture brush or soft toothbrush will prevent dentures from becoming permanently stained and will keep your mouth healthy. Moisten the brush and apply a nonabrasive denture paste (regular toothpaste is too abrasive) or use liquid soap. Brush every surface, inside and out, scrubbing gently. A variety of over-the-counter denture cleanser products may safely remove some stains (make sure to manufacturer’s instructions).
You may also consider soaking your dentures in a cup of water with a teaspoon of household bleach, but be sure to rinse them off well before putting them back in your mouth. When cleaning your dentures, be careful not to drop them as they can break. You should clean your dentures over a sink filled with water. Also, have a washcloth in place to prevent the dentures from breaking should you drop them while cleaning.
To disinfect your dentures and for a deep cleaning, you soak your dentures with Liquid Crystals in a Sonic Cleaner for up to 10 minutes daily. Be sure to rinse them off well before putting them back in your mouth.
More stubborn stains may require removal by a dental professional.
Response provided by the American College of Prosthodontists.
Lorin Berland, DDS